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Get Your O-Shot at Bella Medical Aesthetics

Women who suffer from sexual dysfunction problems can find it difficult to achieve various levels of intimacy with their partners, but the O-shot can help. Bella Medical Aesthetics offers the O-shot to women in Columbia, MD who need help improving their ability to orgasm as well as the quality of their orgasms. Most sexual dysfunction treatments seem to target men, but women deserve solutions to their issues as well. To help level the playing field, our medical professionals, led by Dr. Beena Nagpal, utilize platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to administer O-shots that stimulate cells and boost functionality. Call us today to learn about the procedure and its range of benefits.

What is the O-shot?

The O-shot is a platelet-rich plasma treatment for the vagina. It is also known as the Orgasm Shot because it has been shown to increase the intensity of orgasms for women as well as the amount of their natural lubrication. PRP therapy uses naturally-occurring platelets to aid with healing, cellular stimulation, and tissue restoration.

How does the O-shot work?

A patient’s own blood is used for O-shot therapy. The professionals at Bella Medical Associates draw a sample and place it in a centrifuge for separation. Once the platelet-rich plasma is separated from the red blood cells, we can inject it near the clitoris and inside the upper vagina to create new blood vessels and nerves. The PRP also encourages cellular regeneration and activates stem cells. As a result, women notice enhanced sexual health and experiences.

Who is a candidate to receive the treatment?

There are few restrictions on who can receive an O-shot because it uses a patient’s own blood. Among the women who visit our practice in Columbia, MD are those who experience reduced sexual responsiveness, vaginal dryness, and urinary incontinence. If you struggle with any of these conditions, let Bella Medical Aesthetics help relieve your symptoms.

What are the benefits of an O-shot?

There are numerous benefits associated with the O-shot, all of which will make patients more comfortable throughout their days and nights. This treatment has been proven as 90% effective in treating urinary stress incontinence. Among its other potential benefits are:

  • More pleasurable intercourse
  • Increased clitoral sensitivity
  • Improved skin texture of the vulva
  • Increased arousal
  • More frequent orgasms

Is the O-shot safe?

Yes. O-shots use your blood to produce their intended results, so you never have to worry about a foreign substance in your body that could cause an allergic reaction or other skin sensitivities. Unlike other sexual dysfunction solutions, O-shots do not have any side effects.

Do O-shots hurt?

No. Bella Medical Aesthetics is careful to ensure your comfort throughout the process. We will use local anesthesia to numb the injection sites before the procedure. Our team will not proceed until you acknowledge the numbing effects are working. The whole process should take no more than a half-hour.

How long do the effects of O-shots last?

There are multiple stages of the O-shots’ effects. Most women notice a heightened vaginal sensation within the first three to seven days. After three weeks, new tissue will begin to develop and continue for up to nine weeks. At the three-month mark, the O-shot reaches its peak development. The effects will last for roughly a year.

Contact Bella Medical Aesthetics for an O-Shot Today

Sexual intimacy is something that everyone should be free to enjoy, but women with sexual dysfunction problems find it difficult or even painful to partake in sexual activity. However, the O-shot can make these issues a thing of the past. Bella Medical Aesthetics administers O-shots in Columbia, MD to help alleviate sexual discomfort, vaginal dryness, and urinary incontinence. If you suffer from any of these conditions, contact us today to schedule an appointment for this vaginal rejuvenating treatment.

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