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RHA Filler in Clarksville

RHA Filler in Clarksville

While there are plenty of dermal filler options to choose from, RHA fillers are quickly becoming the top choice for facial rejuvenation.

A younger looking you is possible with this wrinkle treatment!

Why Choose RHA Filler?

Resilient hyaluronic acid filler, or RHA, is the latest advancement in the injectable world. This type of filler is approved to treat dynamic wrinkles and lines in addition to static wrinkles using a long-lasting injectable gel that closely mimics natural hyaluronic acid found in the skin.

RHA filler is beneficial in that it offers natural looking results, lasts longer than other fillers (which are only able to address static lines), and the injections require no downtime.

What Do the Injections Feel Like?

RHA fillers cause little to no discomfort. While you may feel a slight pinch and some pressure, the experience is anything but painful. Before treatment, your provider will apply a topical numbing product to ensure you’re comfortable.

When Will I See Results?

Immediately afterward, you’ll see a slight improvement in the appearance of your wrinkles. You can expect to see your final results within just weeks. Swelling and redness usually resolve within a few days, which is when you’ll begin to see gradual improvements.

RHA filler results can last as long as 15 months!

Am I a Good Candidate for RHA Filler?

Chances are, you’re a great candidate! Patients must be over the age of 18 and should understand that results aren’t permanent. You should also be in good health overall and not have an allergy to any of the filler ingredients.

Where Is the Best Place for RHA Filler in Clarksville?

Turn back the hands of time and look your best with RHA filler injections at Bella Medical Aesthetics! We specialize in creating natural results that you’re sure to love.

Contact us at (240) 708-4941 to schedule your appointment today!