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Vampire Facial in Clarksville

Vampire Facial in Clarksville

Wondering what exactly a vampire facial is because it sounds so mysterious? You’ve come to the right place! A vampire facial uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) extracted from your own blood and either injected or applied topically following microneedling.

It works for skin rejuvenation by stimulating collagen production to improve skin tone and texture.

Why Choose a Vampire Facial to Revitalize Your Skin?

By accelerating cell turnover, this treatment can reduce signs of aging while also reducing pore size, improving hydration, and promoting faster healing.

It doesn’t have much downtime, and you may not even need any at all. In fact, many people return to their normal routine right afterward. Additionally, side effects are minimal and well-tolerated.

Does a Vampire Facial Hurt? What Is the Process Like?

During a vampire facial, blood is drawn from your arm, which may cause a slight pinching sensation. Your blood is then processed to separate the platelet-rich-plasma. A microneedling device is then used on the treatment area and then the PRP is applied directly to the skin or injected. You can expect little to no discomfort.

When Will I See Results From a Vampire Facial?

Results are evident about two to three weeks after treatment, and they will continue to improve for up to six weeks. While you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your skin after one treatment, undergoing several is the best way to maximize your results.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Vampire Facial?

If you want to improve the tone, texture, and appearance of your skin, you are likely a great candidate! To qualify, you shouldn’t have any blood disorders, should have generally healthy skin, and should be in good overall health.

Where Is the Best Place to Go for Excellent Results From a Vampire Facial in Clarksville?

You’ll find the top skincare experts here at Bella Medical Aesthetics! We offer a selection of amazing services including the vampire facial to boost your natural beauty and confidence.

Call our office today at (240) 708-4941 to schedule a consultation!