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Visit Bella Medical Aesthetics for Alma Duo Treatment

Did you know that by the year 2025, 322 million men are projected to struggle with issues related to sexual performance due to the declining vascular functions in men? Alma Duo is an aesthetic treatment that uses gold standard shockwave technology with focused LI-ESWT (low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy) to improve your sex life and eliminate erectile dysfunction.At

At Bella Medical Aesthetics, we are proud to offer our Columbia, MD patients Alma Duo treatments to help those individuals who experience difficulties trying to develop or maintain an erection. Call our office today to schedule an appointment or consultation.

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Alma Duo in Columbia, Maryland

Why Choose Alma Duo in Columbia, Maryland?

Do you struggle with erectile dysfunction during sexual performance? If you experience difficulties trying to develop or maintain an erection, then Alma Duo treatment is what you need, as it restores natural male sexual performance and stimulates better flow of blood to the penis. 

Alma Duo is a quick and safe procedure that only takes about 15 minutes. If you are concerned about undergoing surgery or getting injections, then you have nothing to worry about. The treatment relies solely on painless shock wave therapy, which means that no needles, pills, or surgery is required.

What Does Alma Duo Feel Like?

The Alma Duo procedure is painless and noninvasive. During the treatment, the shock wave causes mechanical stress to the treatment area on the male sexual organ, triggering a wound-healing reaction that stimulates the flow of blood, and restores natural function.

What Can I Expect From Alma Duo Results?

The Alma Duo treatment produces results that last up to two years after the procedure. The long-lasting results have been validated and clinically verified.

Am I a Good Candidate for Alma Duo?

If you suffer from vascular-related performance issues, then you are likely eligible for the Alma Duo treatment. We recommend that you first have a consultation with your doctor, so that they can give you the greenlight to pursue the treatment.

Where Can I Get the Top ED Treatments Such as Alma Duo in Columbia, Maryland?

You can get the best Alma Duo services at Bella Medical Aesthetics! We have compassionate and experienced doctors who provide high-quality sexual health treatment for men. Alma Duo supports natural sexual function, so what are you waiting for? Contact us at 801-432-7712 to get your sex life back!

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