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Erectile dysfunction can be embarrassing for men, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s a problem more common than you may think.

And, thanks to advances in science, there is now help – the P-Shot comprehensive sexual treatment.

What Is the P-Shot, and How Will It Help Me?

There are multiple causes for erectile dysfunction (ED), including stress and certain medical conditions. But no matter the reasons, the P-Shot comprehensive sexual treatment may be an excellent option for you to renew your sex life.

The P-Shot is comprehensive and works with the use of your own blood. There are no difficult procedures or chemicals involved. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is isolated from your blood and then injected into your penis. With the use of your own cells, tissue growth is encouraged to help stimulate better erections.

I’m Interested in the P-Shot Comprehensive Sexual Treatment. What Can I Expect After Treatment?

You should notice an immediate increase in sensation after the P-Shot. You will also notice firmer and more frequent erections, as well as increased pleasure during sex.

While you may experience mild tingling, tenderness, and / or minor swelling, you can resume your normal daily activities immediately after treatment, including sexual activity. There is also the possibility of bruising for a few weeks after treatment. Any concerns you have should be discussed with your injector.

Am I a Good Candidate for the P-Shot?

If you are generally healthy and ready to jump-start your sex life, then you are likely a great candidate! The only way to find out is to schedule a consultation with a P-Shot provider.

Looking for an Experienced Doctor You Can Trust to Help You Restore Your Sex Life?

Bella Medical Aesthetics offers clients a caring and compassionate environment, and we welcome the opportunity to meet with and answer your P-Shot FAQs.

Please call us today at (240) 708-4941 to book an appointment with us, and let’s get you back on the road to intimacy.