Why the Best Erectile Dysfunction Doctor in Ellicott City, Maryland Says the P-Shot Is Trending
It is true the P-Shot is trending for erectile dysfunction, or ED, and there is a reason for that – it is simple. It is also extremely effective without serious side effects or risk of an adverse reaction, and no complicated recovery is involved.
Here’s why you should talk to the best erectile dysfunction doctor in Ellicott City, Maryland, about the P-Shot.
ED can negatively impact your life in many ways. If you’re going through it, you’ve likely looked for a safe and effective solution. Yes, there are pills, but they have unpleasant side effects. There are pumps, but they kill the mood, and there is surgery, but that poses serious risks. Why go through all of that when you don’t have to?
What Exactly Is Erectile Dysfunction, and What Causes It?
Before we get into how amazing the P-Shot really is, it’s a good idea to talk about the causes of erectile dysfunction. Essentially, erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection.
There are multiple causes for ED, both physical and mental. Medical conditions like heart disease, atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels), diabetes, and high blood pressure can all contribute. Tobacco, alcohol use, and obesity are also contributing factors.
From a mental standpoint, depression, stress, and anxiety can play a significant part in ED. If you are having relationship problems, it’s possible to experience erectile dysfunction, and it might be necessary to seek counseling as part of your ED treatment to work through these issues.
How Will My Doctor Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction?
In some cases, all that is needed to diagnose ED is a discussion with your doctor about symptoms and your medical history. If there is a suspected underlying medical condition, then it’s likely your ED doctor will want to do a physical exam as well as blood and / or urine tests. It is also possible your doctor will want you to have a psychological evaluation if you are feeling depressed or anxious.
How Does the P-Shot Work?
The reason that the P-Shot is so popular really is because of its safeness, effectiveness, and simplicity. What makes the Priapus shot safe and effective is the use of your own platelet-rich plasma. This is a component of your blood that contains important proteins and growth factors responsible for cell and tissue renewal.
The simplicity comes from the process. In less than an hour, a vial of your blood is taken (just like at your doctor’s office) and then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from blood. A topical anesthetic will be applied to minimize your discomfort, and once that has taken effect injections are given.
So, the P-Shot Isn’t Painful?
Not really. The needle used for the P-Shot is tiny. You might feel pressure or a slight prick, but most patients find the procedures quite tolerable.
What Should I Know About P-Shot Recovery?
The most important thing you should know about P-Shot recovery isn’t that there really isn’t any! This is a non-invasive treatment that allows you to resume your normal activities right after your appointment. In fact, you only need to wait a few hours to resume having sex.
How Quickly Does the P-Shot Work?
Remember, every patient is unique, so results vary. Some men can experience a noticeable change within 24 hours. In general, it can take between four to eight weeks to feel the full effects.
Do I Need More Than One P-Shot Treatment?
It is possible to experience the benefits of the P-Shot with just one treatment. However, most men choose to have a second P-Shot three months after the first. One to three P-Shot is the typical recommendation.
How Long Do P-Shot Results Last?
If you’re searching for an ED treatment with long-lasting results, look no further than the best erectile dysfunction doctor in Ellicott City, Maryland. What is remarkable about the P-Shot is that results can last up to one year, or even longer in some cases!
Are There Side Effects Associated With the P-Shot?
Because the PRP in the P-Shot comes from you, it isn’t likely you’ll have serious issues with this treatment. The most common side effects are bruising and swelling, but this is more from the injection itself than it is from the PRP. These side effects are perfectly normal and should go away on their own within a week.
Am I a Good Candidate for the P-Shot?
You’ll meet with an erectile dysfunction specialist to make sure the P-Shot is right for you. It’s important to have a medical evaluation before receiving treatment.
If you meet the following criteria you’re probably a great candidate for the P-Shot:
- Good health
- Difficulty maintaining and keeping an erection
- Interested in firmer, stronger erections
- Desire to increase penis size and sexual sensitivity
- No success after taking ED medications
You’ll Find the Best Erectile Dysfunction Doctor in Ellicott City, Maryland, at Nearby Bella Medical Aesthetics!
When you schedule your consultation with Dr. Beena Nagpal, you’ll be met with compassion and understanding. She is a sexual dysfunction specialist who truly understands how difficult it can be to cope with ED.
Dr. Nagpal believes in the P-Shot not only because it’s proven to work but because it doesn’t just treat the symptoms – it heals and rebuilds tissues needed to enjoy a happy, healthy sex life.
Take this first important step to reclaim your life, and make this call today! Contact us at 240-713-6587 to book your appointment with the only erectile dysfunction doctor you’ll ever need.