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Bella Medical Aesthetics

A Medispa in Columbia, MD

Place Your Trust in Our Experienced Clinic and Equipment

Bella Medical Aesthetics proudly utilizes advanced technology from InMode Aesthetics, a renowned leader in medical aesthetics equipment. Our clinic offers a variety of cutting-edge services powered by InMode’s innovative solutions, including Morpheus8 for skin tightening, the Empower platform for pelvic floor health, BodyTite for non-invasive liposuction, and more. With InMode’s state-of-the-art equipment and our commitment to excellence, we ensure that our patients receive the highest quality treatments available in the industry.

Numbing + Cool Air Therapy Included

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

If you need aesthetic medical care, then Bella Medical Aesthetics is a good place to start. In addition to our experienced staff and high-grade equipment, we have a reputation for compassion. We know many of the issues you see us for can be embarrassing. Dr. Nagpal wants you to understand there’s no shame in visiting our Columbia beauty clinic. We’ll uncover the beauty that was already there. Contact Bella Medical Aesthetics today to schedule an appointment.

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