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Considering laser hair removal (LHR) to help make your life and beauty routine a little easier? Laser hair removal consultations in Columbia, Maryland are an excellent way to find out if LHR is right for you.

Not everyone is an ideal candidate, so this is an important part of the process. Here’s what to expect during an LHR consultation.

Expect a Comprehensive Physical Examination of Your Skin

The laser expert you choose will look over your skin to make sure it’s healthy enough for treatment and to determine your skin type and your skin phototype. This allows them to choose the best laser for you to achieve optimal hair removal results.

Also, Be Prepared for a Thorough Health History During Laser Hair Removal Consultations in Columbia, Maryland

Bring information with you such as your medical history and list of current medications to make sure that you qualify.

If You’re a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal, the Next Part of Your Consultation Is Scheduling

Your laser professional will determine the number of sessions you might need to ensure your results are long lasting, which could be four to eight. Your sessions will be scheduled for every six to eight weeks or so.

A patch test is performed to check for adverse reactions. Then, you will review pre-LHR instructions to help you prep. During this visit, they will also give post-treatment instructions to help you know how to care for your skin afterward.

Questions About LHR? Now Is a Good Time to Ask

Your consultation is the time to ask questions you might have about the process. You can prepare for this visit ahead of time by writing down your questions or concerns and bringing them with you.

Ready to Find Out if LHR Can Help You Live Hair Free and Carefree?

Laser hair removal consultations in Columbia, Maryland are quick and easy, so book one for yourself today!

Call us at (240) 708-4941, and be sure to ask about our current specials to help you save money on cosmetic services to help you feel more “Bella” everyday!