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At some point, we all struggle with that one area of stubborn fat or saggy skin no matter how often we work out.

If you’re tired of the struggle and are looking for the best body contouring treatments in Columbia, Maryland, we’re here to help!

Evolve Offers the Most Amazing Body Contouring Treatments in Columbia, Maryland at Outstanding Prices

When it comes to the best body contouring treatments in Columbia, Maryland, we know that it all comes down to the individual and their specific needs. While some may want to eliminate cellulite buildup, others may want to tighten, tone, and firm stubborn areas.

Both Evolve Tone and Evolve Trim can help you reach your goals when it comes to looking and feeling your absolute best. These treatments can be done in several sessions based on your desired results and are designed to target different imperfections that many would like to eliminate such as sags, cellulite, and stubborn fat.

  • Evolve Tone: Using electric muscle stimulation (EMS), Evolve Tone helps strengthen and tone muscles to leave you with a more toned and refined look. Often used in combination with Trim, Tone averages around $350 per session and can often be purchased as a multiple-session package.
  • Evolve Trim: This is typically the first step when it comes to body contouring. Trim uses RF energy to melt subcutaneous fat away while encouraging collagen production to help tighten skin and eliminate cellulite. These treatments average around $350 per session and may require multiple sessions depending on location and severity to see desired results.

For the Latest in Body Sculpting Treatments That Work, Turn to Bella Medical Aesthetics!

At Bella, Dr. Beena Nagpal and team are proud to offer you body contouring treatments that can help you achieve your weight loss and contouring goals.

So call us today at (240) 708-4941 to schedule your treatment or to learn more about our services designed to help you look and feel your best!