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How Much Are Dermal Fillers in Columbia, Maryland for Facial Rejuvenation Without a Facelift?

Injectables such as Juvéderm are total game changers when it comes to restoring facial volume for a more youthful appearance. If you’re unhappy with fine lines or wish your lips were fuller, consider dermal fillers.

Less expensive than surgical options and with no downtime which can mean costly time off work, you’ll find dermal fillers to be an affordable option. So, how much are dermal fillers in Columbia, Maryland? Here’s a breakdown of several factors behind the costs.

Factor #1: Size of the Treatment Area

Fillers containing hyaluronic acid (HA) plump and hydrate the skin. Your cosmetic specialist injects the filler into the treatment area, and you’ll pay for each syringe of filler used. The number of syringes used are the number one factor affecting your cost. 

How much filler is used depends on your cosmetic goals and the size of the area. This varies from person to person, so a consultation is key to getting an idea of the total cost. In 2020, the average cost in the US for HA fillers was $684.

How Much Are Dermal Fillers in Columbia, Maryland?

Factor #2: Which Injector You Choose

Expect to pay more for an injector with lots of experience. The more in-demand the injector is, the more they’re likely to charge. 

Factor #3: Area of the Country

In some high-cost cities, treatment may come at a higher price. The area of the country in which you’re looking for cosmetic treatment may impact the final cost. How much are dermal fillers in Columbia, Maryland? You’ll likely get a better deal than someone in Los Angeles. 

Now That You Know How Much Are Dermal Fillers in Columbia, Maryland, Boost Your Self Confidence By Booking Fillers

Whether you’re looking to add fullness to your cheeks or soften the lines on your forehead, dermal fillers are an affordable option to make you look amazing. To find out how much you can expect to spend, contact us at (240) 708-4941 for a complimentary consultation today!

Be sure to ask about our current specials to see how you can get remarkable results from cosmetic treatments at a lower cost!