Here’s What a Sexual Dysfunction Specialist in Howard County Wants You to Know
If you are dealing with sexual dysfunction, know you are not alone. Over 40% of women and 30% of men suffer from the problem.
It’s not easy to tackle alone, and that is where a sexual dysfunction specialist in Howard County can help, offering cutting-edge treatments such as Votiva or the O-shot for women and the P-shot for men!
Is It Possible to Treat These Issues Safely?
Many patients are not keen on medications or the side effects that accompany them. Thankfully, there are safe alternatives.
There are two platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapies a reputable sexual dysfunction specialist in Howard County may recommend, the P-shot (Priapus shot for men) / O-shot (orgasm shot for women). Because the PRP comes from your own blood, there is little to no risk of adverse reaction. There is no downtime needed for recovery, and you can continue intercourse as soon as you feel able.
For women, radiofrequency (RF) therapy may be a viable option for vaginal rejuvenation. Aging, hormonal imbalances and childbirth can lead to a decrease in collagen production, vaginal dryness, low libido, and decreased sensitivity.
RF energy promotes healing and the production of collagen and elastin. It is painless and can be used externally or internally. It lasts approximately 10 to 30 minutes, with no need for a long recovery.
How Do I Find Out Which Procedure Is Best for Me?
This decision needs to be made with an experienced specialist during a consultation. As long as you are healthy overall and have the desire to safely and successfully reclaim your intimate life, you are likely a fantastic candidate.
Your chosen provider will work with you to develop a treatment plan best suited to your needs.
Find the Top Sexual Dysfunction Specialist in Howard County at Bella Medical Aesthetics!
With our team, you can expect to be met with compassion and respect. We understand how difficult it can be to cope with sexual disorders and are here to help. Call us at 240-713-6587 to book your appointment now!