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Trying to Find a P-Shot Specialist In Maryland for Answers About This Remarkable Treatment? Here’s the Scoop!

Erectile dysfunction is a common issue that affects over 30 million men in the U.S. While common, it doesn’t make it less difficult to deal with.

Your key to success is to find a P-Shot specialist in Maryland who can help. Going prepared for your appointment with the right questions also helps. Here’s what you should ask.

  • Can You Tell Me Exactly What the P-Shot Is, and How It Works?

The P-Shot is an incredibly safe and effective injectable that uses your own PRP or platelet-rich plasma. This stimulates tissue repair and cellular growth. Men of all ages experience the benefits including increased stamina, improved sensation, and a longer lasting erection.

  • How Long Does the P-Shot Permanent? How Long Does It Last?

The P-Shot is not a permanent solution, but it is a long-lasting one. You can expect results to last from 12 to 18 months.

  • How Long Will It Take for Me to See the Results?

This treatment does require a bit of patience. Within the first 24 hours, you may notice an increase in sensitivity and sensation. In the next two to three months, you should notice an improvement in your sexual drive. It will take three to four months to see the final results.

  • How Often Will I Need a P-Shot?

This is something that only gets better as long as you continue treatments. Once you find a P-Shot specialist in Maryland, it’s recommended you schedule an appointment for the P-Shot once a year. As long as you maintain regular yearly appointments, blood flow and collagen production continue, allowing you to enjoy the benefits for a long time.

Need to Find a P-Shot Specialist in Maryland? Look No Further Than Bella Medical Aesthetics!

Our team understands erectile dysfunction can be difficult, and you can be assured we treat our patients with compassion and caring.

We encourage you to schedule your consultation by calling (240) 708-4941 today. Your sexual health is important, and there’s no reason to wait to get it back on track!