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Chances are, you’ve seen photos online of celebs like the Kardashians getting trendy vampire facials, and while the treatment itself may be anything but pretty, the results are stunning!

If you want to rejuvenate your skin, this is a worthwhile procedure to consider. Here’s what you need to know about the treatment, including the best vampire facial cost in Columbia, MD.

What Is a Vampire Facial?

A vampire facial is a non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment that combines the power of microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to revitalize and transform the skin.

Microneedling involves tiny needles that puncture the skin to create micro-injuries, which prompts the skin’s natural healing process by increasing the production of collagen and elastin. Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is then directly applied to the skin. PRP harnesses your body’s natural healing abilities to promote cellular regeneration.

A vampire facial offers many benefits for men and women of all ages, including plumper skin, reduced appearance of wrinkles, diminished acne scars, and a more balanced and even complexion.

How Much Does the Best Vampire Facial Cost in Columbia, MD?

On average, you can expect to pay $1,000 to $3,000 for a vampire facial.

Your geographic location and the provider you choose greatly impacts how much you’ll pay, and it can vary greatly from one skincare specialist to the next. Providers may offer discounts if you combine this PRP facial with other treatments or sign up for a membership plan.

Bottom line: You need a consultation to determine pricing and get the best vampire facial cost in Columbia, MD.

How Long Do Results Last?

Vampire facials provide incredible results! You can expect to see noticeable changes within six months of treatment. What’s even better is that your results can last up to 18 months. This means that you can enjoy your new glowing, youthful look for more than a year!

Rejuvenate and Radiate With a Vampire Facial for Beautiful Skin From the Inside Out!

Restoring your skin and enjoying a more youthful appearance has never been easier! With a vampire facial from Bella Medical Aesthetics, you can restore your look and enhance your natural beauty.

To learn more about this amazing treatment and how it can help you achieve that healthy glow you’ve always wanted, contact us today at (240) 708-4941 to book your consultation!