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If you’ve been looking to enhance your sexual health and performance, the P-shot might be the perfect solution for you. The best P-shot doctor near College Park can help you achieve improved erectile function and increased sensitivity with this innovative treatment.

But what exactly is it, and what can it do for you? Here’s what you need to know!

Q: What Is the P-Shot?

A: The P-shot, or Priapus shot, is a non-surgical treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood. The plasma stimulates natural tissue growth and enhances blood flow.

It’s designed to improve erectile function, boost your stamina, and increase your sensitivity “down there” for a more fulfilling experience during sexual activity. The P-shot has so many great benefits!

Q: Can This Treatment Increase Penis Size?

A: For many men, this injectable has delivered noticeable results in terms of size when combined with the regular use of a penis pump.

The treatment rejuvenates tissues in the penis, promoting new cell growth and improving circulation. This can lead to increased size for some patients.

Q: How Painful Is the P-Shot?

A: Worried about pain? That’s understandable, but you don’t need to be! The procedure is quick and relatively painless.

A numbing cream is applied before the PRP is injected, ensuring you stay comfortable throughout. The entire process takes about 30 minutes, and most report little to no discomfort.

Q: How Soon Can You Resume Sexual Activity After Injections?

A: While your injector may recommend waiting up to 48 hours, you may be able to engage in sexual activity within a few hours. Talk to your provider to see what they recommend.

Boost Your Performance by Seeing the Best P-Shot Doctor Near College Park

Your search for the best P-Shot doctor near College Park is over now that you’ve found Bella Medical Aesthetics and Priapus shot expert Dr. Beena Nagpal!

Call us today at (240) 708-4941 to schedule your consultation and start enhancing your performance and confidence today!