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Let’s face it, guys, size matters – at least to us. While some might say that it’s all about how you use it, there’s no harm in wanting to feel more confident about your equipment and seeing the best penis girth and enlargement specialist in Baltimore to do so.

If you’ve ever felt that your size isn’t quite as impressive as you’d like, you’re not alone. Fortunately, modern medical advancements have given us some fantastic options to boost your confidence, and, let’s be honest, your performance will benefit too.

Here’s what you should know about the two most popular treatments to increase girth without the need for surgery, the P-shot and dermal fillers.

Option #1 for Male Enhancement: The P-Shot With Penis Pump

Imagine a treatment that uses your own body’s resources to enhance your manhood. That’s what the P-shot, or Priapus shot, offers.

This innovative procedure involves extracting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood. This PRP is then injected into your penis after you are sufficiently numbed.

The idea is to harness the healing and growth factors in your plasma to stimulate tissue growth and improve blood flow. PRP can address sexual dysfunction such as erectile issues, as well as increase girth when combined with the use of a penis pump.

Who’s a Good Candidate for the P-Shot?

If you’re in reasonably good health, don’t smoke, and aren’t on blood-thinning medications, you’re likely a great candidate. This treatment is especially appealing to men who are looking for a natural way to enhance their size and performance without the use of synthetic materials.

Plus, if you’ve experienced a decline in erectile function, the P-Shot can be a game changer. The increased blood flow can lead to firmer, longer-lasting erections. In other words, it’s not just about helping with size but your ability to use it too.

Combining the P-Shot with a Penis Pump

Now, here’s where the magic really happens. When you combine the P-shot with the regular use of a penis pump, you’re setting yourself up for some impressive gains.

The penis pump works to draw blood into the area. Regular use of the pump, especially following a P-shot, can enhance the results, leading to increased size over time.

Option #2: Penile Fillers, or Dermal Fillers for Penis Enlargement

Dermal fillers aren’t just for plumping up cheeks and smoothing out wrinkles. They can also be used to give your penis a boost.

This treatment involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers into the shaft of your penis, instantly increasing its girth. While it offers some immediate results, it can take two weeks to see the full effects.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Penis Fillers?

Men who are looking for a fast and effective way to enhance their girth will find penis fillers to be an excellent option. This treatment is ideal for those who want a noticeable increase in size without the downtime associated with more invasive procedures.

However, it’s essential to have realistic expectations. While dermal fillers can provide significant enhancement, they won’t double your size. But they can give you that extra boost in confidence and satisfaction.

A Quick Note on Safety and Results

Both types of these penile fillers for growth are considered safe when performed by experienced professionals.

The P-shot uses your body’s own plasma, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or complications.

Dermal fillers, when administered correctly, also have a low risk of adverse effects.

But I can’t emphasize this enough… it’s essential that a reputable, experienced provider in the method you choose performs the procedure to achieve the best possible outcome.

To help you find the best penis girth and enlargement specialist in Baltimore, you should research the provider’s reputation. Reading reviews from previous patients is an excellent way to do so, but be sure to find third-party sites that verify patients. Positive feedback and high patient satisfaction are good indicators of a qualified provider.

For optimal results, a thorough consultation is essential. The provider should take the time to be sure they understand your goals and that you’re a good candidate based on your medical history and current health. They should also answer all of your questions / concerns and explain the procedures in detail.

During this visit, make sure that the facility is modern, clean, inviting, and equipped with the latest technology. They should also follow strict protocols for safety and hygiene.

The Confidence Boost You Deserve

Think about the benefits: increased size, improved performance, and a significant boost in confidence. These treatments aren’t just about aesthetics; they’re about enhancing your overall quality of life.

Imagine walking into a room with a little more swagger, knowing that you’ve taken steps to improve yourself. It’s not just about impressing others; it’s about feeling good in your skin and embracing your masculinity.

If you’ve been considering penile enhancement, now is the perfect time to explore your options. Whether you choose the P-shot combined with a penis pump or opt for dermal fillers, you can rest assured that you’re making a decision that can significantly improve your confidence and satisfaction.

Choose Bella Medical Aesthetics for Outstanding Results From Non-Surgical Penis Enhancement Treatments

When it comes to enhancing your manhood, you want to make sure you’re in the best hands possible. Bella Medical Aesthetics stands out above the rest.

Dr. Beena Nagpal, the best penis girth and enlargement specialist in Baltimore, is dedicated to helping you achieve your size goals with discretion, professionalism, and the utmost care.

Take the first step towards a more confident you by contacting Bella Medical Aesthetics to schedule a consultation. Call 240-713-6587 today!