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Before you get laser hair removal (LHR), you need a consultation with a reputable provider.

Read this quick guide so you know how to prepare for a laser hair removal consultation in Ellicott City. It can help you make the most of your appointment.

Here Are Quick Tips to Help You Get Ready for Your Consultation

Be prepared to discuss your medical history, goals, and expectations. Information regarding health conditions, medications you’re taking, and what you hope to achieve from treatment is gathered for the purpose of keeping you safe and developing a treatment plan.

You should plan to receive quite a bit of information as well. Procedure details, comfort measures, the number of sessions you require, potential outcomes, pricing, and all the important do’s and don’ts of laser hair removal are explained to you. If you plan to proceed, you may be asked to sign an informed consent document giving your permission for treatment.

Should I Have a Patch Test During My Laser Hair Removal Consultation in Ellicott City?

Absolutely! A patch test should be done to determine the safest laser setting for your skin tone and to gauge how your skin reacts. This is especially important if this is your first time getting LHR or if your medications or health has changed since your last visit.

What Questions Should I Ask?

Your laser hair removal consultation in Ellicott City is the perfect time to ask questions! Consider the following suggestions, write them down, and feel free to add your own:

  • When is the best time to schedule LHR? 
  • What side effects should I know about, and how do I manage them?
  • When can I expect to see results? Are they permanent?
  • How many sessions will I need?

You Can Count on the Team at Bella Medical Aesthetics for Amazing LHR Results!

Isn’t it time you enjoyed beautifully smooth, hair-free skin? We have the technology and experience to safely treat all skin types, so contact us today at (240) 708-4941 to book your appointment!