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Want a natural way to get a youthful appearance? Look no further! The best skin tightening treatments in Columbia, Maryland are now available with little to no downtime!

Non-surgical treatments have transformed the cosmetic world, providing a way to obtain youthful skin without the extended recovery period of plastic surgery.

2 of the Top Skin Tightening Treatments in Columbia, Maryland to Ask About ASAP

Non-surgical skin tightening treatments typically work by increasing collagen and elastin production. This is a proven way to tighten mild to moderately loose skin.

  • Morpheus8 microneedling with radiofrequency (RF): The combination of microneedling and RF energy allows for precise treatment of various skin concerns, including sagging skin, fine lines, and uneven texture. Morpheus8 delivers impressive skin tightening and rejuvenation results.

This treatment is ideal for those looking to achieve a smoother, tighter complexion without the need for surgery, providing noticeable results with minimal downtime.

  • Evoke: Designed for comfortable, efficient treatment, Evoke uses bipolar radiofrequency (RF) energy to non-invasively contour and tighten the skin, particularly in the face and neck areas. 

This hands-free device targets the subdermal layers of the skin. It works by heating tissues to boost collagen and elastin production. It’s a gentle yet effective way to achieve rejuvenation without going under the knife.

These two remarkable skin tightening options help reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone and texture. Treatments usually only take an hour or less, and side effects (if you experience any) are mild and go away on their own shortly after your procedure.

The Benefits of Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Can Be Found at Bella Medical Aesthetics

It’s time to find the best skin tightening treatments in Columbia, Maryland, which are available here at Bella Medical Aesthetics. Call us today at 240-713-6587 for a consultation. Start the journey to a youthful glow today!