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What Are the Top Treatments for Fat Reduction in Ellicott City, Maryland?

It can be so frustrating to eat healthy and exercise, yet still not lose those last few pounds!

If this sounds like you, then the best cosmetic treatments for fat reduction in Ellicott City, Maryland may be exactly the help you need!

You’ll also be happy to know you have choices!

BodyTite Does a Body Right!

If you struggle with stubborn pockets of fat on your arms, abdomen, thighs, hips, or buttocks, then BodyTite might be a great fit for you.

It works with a combination of radiofrequency energy and liposuction to heat and remove unwanted fat. It also firms and tightens skin!

The difference between BodyTite and traditional liposuction is the way it’s done. Small, almost invisible incisions are made at the treatment site.

A very thin tube called a cannula is used to suction fat. There will be no scarring afterward, and healing is much faster than with traditional surgery.

Interested in Laser Fat Reduction? Try SculpSure!

This completely non-invasive body sculpting technique for fat reduction in Ellicott City, Maryland uses state-of-the-art, light-based technology to eliminate unwanted fat while also tightening the skin.

It’s a treatment that takes around a half-hour and is safe for all skin types.

Results do take some time, though. Your body will naturally eliminate the permanently destroyed fat cells and final results take about six to 12 weeks to see. No anesthesia is required, and you can resume your normal activities right after treatment!

How Do I Know I’m a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Fat Reduction?

Non-surgical fat reduction is a great choice for healthy men and women who understand this isn’t a weight loss program but a safe way to remove small pockets of fat.

To decide which method will work best for you, be sure to schedule a consultation with your provider.

Your Search is Over for the Best Non-Surgical Fat Reduction in Ellicott City, Maryland!

Ready for a slimmer you? If so, let’s talk about how you’ll love the way you look after non-surgical fat reduction!

Contact us today at (240) 708-4941 to schedule your consultation for fat elimination, and be on your way to a perfectly sculpted physique!