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Jeuveau in Clarksville

Jeuveau in Clarksville

There’s no need to glance at your fine lines and wrinkles every time you look in the mirror and wish they’d disappear when there’s Jeuveau!

This powerful injectable works just like Botox to smooth away dynamic wrinkles and give you a more youthful appearance, plus boosted self-esteem.

Why Choose Jeuveau, or “Newtox?”

Jeuveau is designed to treat dynamic wrinkles, or the lines that occur from repetitive facial expressions, like frowning, squinting, or smiling.

It’s perfect for reducing the appearance of crow’s feet, forehead lines, and the “1” or “11” lines between your brows – even your “111” if you have three vertical lines in the glabellar area!

If you love the results of Botox but want to try something new, Jeuveau is a fantastic alternative. It’s FDA approved and works just as effectively!

Many patients love it for its fast-acting effects and natural-looking results.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

If you want a non-invasive solution for the signs of aging in the form of wrinkles, Jeuveau could be the right choice for you.

It’s suitable for healthy adults of all ages who are looking to soften their lines and refresh their appearance without surgery. To qualify, you should also have a realistic expectation about what Jeuveau can do.

When Will I See Results?

You’ll notice the effects of Jeuveau within a few days of your treatment, with full results appearing in one to two weeks. This is why you should schedule it at least two weeks before a big event.

The effects typically last three to four months, after which you can return for a touch up to maintain your fresh new look.

Where Can I Go for Amazing Results From Jeuveau in Clarksville?

Maryland turns to Bella Medical Aesthetics for cosmetic injections and other services, including Jeuveau!

Call us today at (240) 708-4941 to book your consultation and see if this remarkable wrinkle reducer is right for you.