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Goji Green! | Antiaging Facial

For: All skin types especially Dry, Dehydrated, Aging, Weakened barrier, Line visibility, Vegan friendly

Actives: Glycolic acid, Lactic acid, Squalane, Goji berry extract, Bisabolol, Emblica, Bakuchiol (plant based vitamin A)

Includes: extractions, dermaplaning, hi-frequency, massage, aromatherapy

60 mins: $100

90 mins: $130


A revitalizing treat for your skin! Starting with our soothing green tea cleanser, packed with polyphenols and antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties help calm and soothe irritated skin, combating free radicals and aiding in the prevention of premature aging. Additionally, green tea’s astringent qualities refine pores and manage oil production, making it beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

After cleansing, rebalance the pH of your skin (4.5-5.5) through heavy water based, cucumber hydration toner containing hyaluronic acid and fatty acids for deep moisture replenishment. Help maintain the right balance of oil, water, and acidity, preventing moisture loss for healthy glow and a protected skin barrier.

Gently exfoliate and brighten with orange zest enzyme combined 4% lactic acid, 1.5% glycolic acid and tomato lipids for a balanced, and gentle exfoliation! Correct uneven skin tone, fade blemishes by digesting the bonds between dead skin cells, revealing younger smoother skin underneath.

Deliver an anti-aging cocktail with plant derived retinol serum (bakuchiol). Bakuchiol’s astringent and anti-microbial properties make it excellent for oily skin. Vitamin A is effective for increasing the rate at which new cells are made all while maintaining hydration/moisture barrier balance. Its plant based formula makes it safe and non irritating, even for sensitive skin conditions.

Creamy Goji berry mask with squalane, and cucumber+yogurt extract provides nourishment and hydration to dry and dehydrated skin. Mask is massaged into skin for deep penetration. Goji berry is a naturally occurring source of vitamin C, worked into skin for a collagen stimulating, antioxidant rich boost.

Lock in moisture finished with our ceramide-lipid complex replenishing soft cream containing a powerhouse blend of niacinamide, ceramides, polypeptides, green tea and caffeine. Proteins and lipids are essential for optimal skin barrier function which acts as a selective gateway providing strength and balance. Prevent surface dehydration with hyaluronic acid and squalane. Leave skin soft, supple, and protected with sheer mineral SPF for full coverage UV protection.


Ready to Glow? | Brightening Facial

For: Discoloration, Sun damage, Dullness, Moderate lines/wrinkles, Vegan friendly

Actives: Alpha Arbutin, Kojic acid, Lactic acid, Glycolic acid, Ascorbic acid, THD ascorbate (vitamin C)

Includes: extractions, dermaplaning, hi-frequency, massage, aromatherapy

60 mins: $90

90 mins: $120


Combat free radical damage, while dissolving surface level build up with soap free 10% Glycolic acid + Coenzyme Q10 cleanser infused with Vitamins A,C,E and green tea for the ultimate pore refining, free radical protection. Leave skin clean and refreshed while maintaining moisture balance.

After cleansing, rebalance the pH of your skin (4.5-5.5) through heavy water based, cucumber hydration toner containing hyaluronic acid and fatty acids for deep moisture replenishment. Help maintain the right balance of oil, water, and acidity, preventing moisture loss for a healthy glow and a protected skin barrier.

Gently exfoliate and brighten with lemon zest enzyme combined arbutin and kojic acid for pigment correction and lactic + glycolic acid for protein digestion and skin exfoliation. Correct uneven skin tone, fade blemishes by digesting the bonds between dead skin cells, revealing younger smoother skin underneath.

Give skin a boost with 20% Vitamin C complex (tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate). THD ascorbate is a highly stable derivative of Vitamin C, and has been clinically proven to aid in promotion of collagen synthesis, improving skin structure, reducing free radical damage, and fine line+wrinkle reduction.

Creamy Goji berry mask with squalane, and cucumber+yogurt extract provides nourishment and hydration to dry and dehydrated skin. Mask is massaged into skin for deep penetration. Goji berry is a naturally occurring source of vitamin C, worked into skin for a collagen stimulating, antioxidant rich boost.

Lock in moisture finished with our ceramide-lipid complex replenishing soft cream containing a powerhouse blend of niacinamide, ceramides, polypeptides, green tea and caffeine. Proteins and lipids are essential for optimal skin barrier function which acts as a selective gateway providing strength and balance. Prevent surface dehydration with hyaluronic acid and squalane. Leave skin soft, supple, and protected with sheer mineral SPF for full coverage UV protection.

Pellevé Classic | Skin Tightening Facial

For: Mature, Aging, Skin laxity, Mild/moderate line visibility, Loss of muscle definition, Crow’s feet

Actives: Pellevé radiofrequency device

Includes: radiofrequency, facial massage

90 mins: $180


Improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles! Give your skin a noninvasive lift with

Pellevé. Pellevé is an FDA approved device that emits radio frequency through an electrode that contacts the skin. Radiofrequency is emitted, transferred through the electrode to the skin, and converted by the body into heat. Cells are heated between 41°C-43°C, which is ideal for fibroblast stimulation.

The collagen remodeling process occurs gradually. As new collagen forms, damaged cells are repaired/replaced, and blood flow is stimulated, improvements in skin texture, firmness, and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles become apparent.

Starting with our soothing green tea cleanser, packed with polyphenols and antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties help calm and soothe irritated skin, combating free radicals and aiding in the prevention of premature aging. Additionally, green tea’s astringent qualities refine pores and manage oil production, making it beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

After cleansing, rebalance the pH (4.5-5.5)  of your skin through heavy water based, cucumber hydration toner containing hyaluronic acid and fatty acids for deep moisture replenishment. Help maintain the right balance of oil, water, and acidity, preventing moisture loss for healthy glow and a protected skin barrier.

Lock in moisture finished with our ceramide-lipid complex replenishing soft cream containing a powerhouse blend of niacinamide, ceramides, polypeptides, green tea and caffeine. Proteins and lipids are essential for optimal skin barrier function which acts as a selective gateway providing strength and balance. Prevent surface dehydration with hyaluronic acid and squalane. Leave skin soft, supple, and protected with sheer mineral SPF for full coverage UV protection.

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