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Acne can be a major factor in reducing self-confidence. There is hope for a clear and glowing skin with the right professional on your side! The best acne facial in Columbia, Maryland is a route to consistently healthy skin.

There is now a comprehensive facial created to deeply cleanse and revitalize the skin, helping you to accomplish a radiant complexion. Just what is it exactly?

The Best Acne Facial in Columbia, Maryland Is the Goji Green Anti-Aging Treatment for All Skin Types

Don’t let the “anti-aging” part in the Gogi Green name fool you into thinking it’s not excellent for beating blemishes!

This all-purpose facial is excellent for clearing clogged pores, reducing inflammation, and reducing future breakouts.

If you’re battling acne, the Goji Green Facial is your ultimate ally. This treatment begins with a soothing green tea cleanser, chosen for its richness of polyphenols and antioxidants.

After using the cleanser, your skin’s pH is rebalanced with a cucumber hydration toner. This toner deeply moisturizes your skin and provides a strong protective barrier to keep contaminants out.

An orange zest enzyme with a powerful blend of skin-nourishing ingredients is used for a gentle exfoliation. The treatment continues with a plant-derived retinol serum, bakuchiol. Known for its astringent and anti-microbial properties, bakuchiol is excellent for oily skin.

A creamy goji berry mask follows, delivering nourishment and hydration. Infused with more nourishing ingredients like cucumber, this mask is massaged deeply into the skin. Goji berries stimulate collagen production, reduce inflammation, and provide an antioxidant-rich boost through vitamin C.

Finally, the best acne facial in Columbia, Maryland is completed with a replenishing cream. This soft cream, packed with niacinamide, ceramides, polypeptides, green tea, and caffeine, locks in leaving skin looking soft and fresh. The treatment is finished with a sheer mineral SPF for full UV protection.

Find the Top Treatments for Smooth, Glowing Skin Here at Bella Medical Aesthetics

Experience the Goji Green Facial and achieve a clear, radiant complexion while effectively managing acne.

Contact us today at 240-713-6587 to book your visit, and let us guide you to healthier skin with personalized skin care treatments!